1. června
Den korálových útesů
1. červen je výzvou k akci pro spotřebitele, firmy a další organizace, aby se zamysleli nad citlivým ekosystémem korálových útesů v našich oceánech. Den spojuje širokou veřejnost s lídry veřejného mínění, aby společně vytvořili aktivní změnu prostřednictvím vzdělávání a zapojení.
Coral reefs are facing numerous threats, including climate change, pollution, and overfishing. To protect these fragile ecosystems, individuals can take several actions. Firstly, reducing carbon emissions is crucial, as climate change leads to rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification, both of which harm coral reefs. This can be achieved by using renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption, and supporting policies that aim to mitigate climate change. Secondly, minimizing pollution is essential, as chemicals and waste runoff can damage coral reefs. This can be done by using eco-friendly products, properly disposing of waste, and supporting initiatives that promote clean waterways. Lastly, individuals can contribute to the conservation of coral reefs by practicing responsible tourism. This includes avoiding activities that harm coral reefs, such as touching or collecting coral, and supporting sustainable tourism practices that prioritize the protection of these ecosystems. By taking these actions, individuals can play a role in preserving coral reefs for future generations.