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Mezinárodní den veganství

Mezinárodní den veganství

Prvně se tento svátek slavil roku 1994, v den 50. výročí založení (britské) Vegan Society, se kterou je tak úzce propojen. V souvislosti s Dušičkami, jež připadají hned na další den, je možné tento den pojmout také jako pietní akt. Častější jsou však různé slavnosti a veřejné ochutnávky, které jsou u veřejností jednoznačně nejoblíbenější :-)

Donald Watson, the founder of The Vegan Society in England in 1944, was the first person to use the word "vegan". In a recent interview, he discussed his views on veganism, his relationship with animals, and the roots of his ideas that have resonated with millions of people worldwide. Watson's childhood memories on his uncle's farm, where he witnessed the killing of a pig, had a profound impact on him and made him question the treatment of animals. Becoming a vegetarian at the age of 14 and a vegan at 35, Watson believes that humans forcing themselves to be carnivores is against their nature and the rights of animals. He also discusses the challenges of being a vegan in a society that revolves around food and the social aspect of veganism. Watson believes that veganism allows one's conscience to be truly clean and encourages vegetarians to see it as a stepping stone towards veganism. He also acknowledges the importance of direct action in helping animals but cautions that some actions may be counterproductive. Watson's message to vegans is to remember that veganism is about living compassionately and thoughtfully, and that it goes beyond finding alternative recipes or studying nutritional studies. It is about understanding the simple and direct facts and arguments and finding one's own path.


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